Are you overtraining?

So, you know those shirts that say something like ‘don’t stop training until this shirt is soaking’ or ‘if this shirt is still dry you haven’t trained hard enough’? Although I admire the dedication to fitness that these shirts are often encouraging, I find them a little counter productive. Contrary to popular belief, you really don’t need to be going at 110% in every single training session. In this blog post, I’ll be discussing why that is. 

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Why you should throw your bathroom scale away.

We are pushed to believe that ‘number on scale down’ = good and ‘number on scale up’ = bad. When in reality, ‘number on scale’ = 1 piece of the 1000 piece puzzle that is your physical health. And that number absolutely does not define your worth as a person. I would even go as far to say, throw the whole bathroom scale away. In this blog post I will be discussing the reasons for scale fluctuations and alternative ways that you can measure your progress.

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Stretching basics: static, dynamic and PNF

Our bodies need mobility and flexibility in order to move and perform daily tasks, stretching allows us to improve this. There are 3 main types of stretch; in this blog entry, I will be discussing what they are, their benefits and when you should and shouldn’t be doing them.

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The power of a warm up: are you slowing down your progress?

You have almost definitely experienced an exercise warm up in your life; probably along the lines of running a lap and maybe a few stretches, or even an in gym cardiovascular warmup of 10-15 minutes on a cross trainer. But is this, on its own, an effective warm up? Moreover, could you even be slowing down your progress?

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